Course Description

Folks in charge of schools, children and education: how are you taking care of yourself during winter break?

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely shifted the dynamics at schools and ways in which teachers deliver meaningful and exceptional education. Educators, school leaders, and staff have been asked to quickly adjust to change and to be prepared to support the needs of students and families. Oftentimes this implies that attending to your personal care is put aside. And let's just say it: at the end of a work day, mind and body feel exhausted. In this ever-changing environment, it is essential to care for your emotional and physical wellness as well as to balance your work/life.

Please join Kindergarten IA and yoga teacher Ceci Orozco for some needed self-care and mindful movement in this two-week series. We will explore yoga asana, restorative practices and holistic wellness, and participants will leave with practical and holistic tools for continuing to nourish your own well-being as you return to your work schedule. These tools have the potential to inform best practices for showing up to school and/or virtual classrooms with your cup refilled and spirit renewed. Open to ALL levels.

You will need a yoga mat, blanket, strap, bolster or pillow, and journal.

Course curriculum

    1. Part 1

    2. Part 2

    3. Part 3

    4. Part 4

About this course

  • $30.00
  • 4 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Ceci Orozco

I became a big fan of movement when I was introduced to sports, and I have been playing competitive racquetball for almost five years now. For the last couple of years, the addition of a consistent yoga sadhana, or practice, has been a life-changing experience. I first tried meditation and yoga back in 2012 while attending college. This first exposure to the practice stirred things from the inside out, and got me very interested and curious about the mind-body-spirit relationship.In 2016, I completed a 200hr training from The Grinning Yogi PDX. After this training, I moved to Gainesville, FL where I opened a yoga studio. During that time, I met my Ayurveda mentors, Richard Masla and Katherine Gaston, discovered bhakti yoga and kirtan, and as you can imagine, this too shaped me and opened new doors. I relocated to Portland in October 2018, found The Bhaktishop Yoga Center and immediately felt inspired and supported by the guidance and teaching style of Lisa Mae Osborn. In my classes I interweave breath with exploratory movement that focuses on personal alignment and inner body awareness. The yoga practice I’m most passionate to share is informative, intentional, centering, and soul-nourishing.Outside of my public classes, I teach Spanish to kids, love being outdoors, being in the comfort of my own house, reading, relaxing and sipping homemade chai, traveling, and facilitating yoga and wellness retreats in my home country of Mexico.