Course Description

Kate Busby

"While modern applications of postural yoga can be very goal-centered, our time together in class is a fusion of outer-body alignment and inner-body focus, concentrating our curiosity on what is possible when we cultivate presence through movement and breath.                    My approach to teaching yoga integrates the wisdom and subtlety of yoga practices with my training in acupuncture, trauma healing and functional movement to support a healthy, and well resourced body-mind. The invitation in my classes is to explore embodiment in a space that is welcoming and oriented towards honoring your own needs and discoveries on the mat. While modern applications of postural yoga can be very goal-centered, our time together in class is a fusion of outer-body alignment and inner-body focus, concentrating our curiosity on what is possible when we cultivate presence through movement and breath. My classes are trauma-informed and inclusive. I have been practicing yoga since 1998, teaching since 2007, and holding space for healing since 2008. In addition to teaching yoga, I work with people individually in my healing practice, weaving together acupuncture, trauma and nervous system healing and Somatic Experiencing. For more information please visit

Course curriculum

    1. Nervous System Reset w/ Kate, 30 mins. Skin as an access point to our nervous system; a sensory organ developing from the same cells as the nervous system. Use self-touch to explore our need for connection during isolation. (11/23/20)

About this course

  • $3.00
  • 1 lesson
  • 0.5 hours of video content
  • $18.00 / month

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