
These are the suggested props for this class. If you don't have these items you may still enjoy the class without them or with household alternatives.

  • Blocks

  • Blanket

  • Consider having wall space/chair/couch nearby for legs-up-something

  • Bolster/pillow for under hips (optional)

  • Any other props that you want to feel supported

"Honoring Tears"

From 'Prayers for Honoring Grief' (2018) by Pixie Lighthorse

[Praying to whatever Higher power/collective/your heart/nature that resonates]

"Thank you for this weepy day of letting it all out. Open up my sacred waterways, and let me celebrate the wide river of empathy for myself and all who suffer. Flow with me as I row my way through what wants to be released from behind the dam. Wash my wounds and tumble me until my ragged edges are smooth. Remind me of the infinite bounty of compassion and love I can bring to myself when I am hurting. Whisper reminders that tears are a detoxifying gift for my body and earth's body, too. Let me treasure each one like a diamond formed from the coal of my sorrows. The salty waters in me are just as your oceans: The birthplace of all life, a reminder of home....May my tears be a thanksgiving for all life, both on earth and in the seas, which suffers from humanity's rapid progress, shortsightedness, and neglect. Let me weep for the parched pain of indifference and ambivalence to violence.Thank you for not making me of stone and for removing my stoicism...Lift my intonations to the Sky Nation to reverberate for my soul and the collective soul of humankind. Let me wail the stagnancies clear with the vibration of my miraculous pipes."

Course curriculum

    1. Y1/2 Kate 5.29.24

About this course

  • $5.00
  • 1 lesson
  • 1 hour of video content


Kate Skaggs