
These are the suggested props for this class. If you don't have these items you may still enjoy the class without them or with household alternatives.

  • 2 Blocks (optional)

  • Blanket (optional)

Course curriculum

    1. Y2 Zeyah 12.30.21

About this course

  • $5.00
  • 1 lesson
  • 1 hour of video content

Poem Used in Class:

BEING HUMAN by Climbing PoeTree

I wonder if the Sun debates dawn some mornings not wanting to rise out of bed from under the down-feather horizon if the sky grows tired of being everywhere at once adapting to the mood swings of the weather if clouds drift off trying to hold themselves together make deals with gravity to loiter a little longer I wonder if rain is scared of falling if it has trouble letting go if snow flakes get sick of being perfect all the time each one trying to be one-of-a-kind I wonder if stars wish upon themselves before the die if they need to teach their young how to shine I wonder if shadows long to just-for-once feel the Sun if they get lost in the shuffle not knowing where they’re from I wonder if sunrise and sunset respect each other even though they’ve never met if volcanoes get stressed if storms have regrets if compost believes in life after death I wonder if breath ever thinks of suicide if the wind just wants to sit still sometimes and watch the world pass by if smoke was born knowing how to rise if rainbows get shy back stage not sure if their colors match right I wonder if lightning sets an alarm clock to know when to crack if rivers ever stop and think of turning back if streams meet the wrong sea and their whole lives run off-track I wonder if the snow wants to be black if the soil thinks she’s too dark if butterflies want to cover up their marks if rocks are self-conscious of their weight if mountains are insecure of their strength I wonder if waves get discouraged crawling up the sand only to be pulled back again to where they began if land feels stepped upon if sand feels insignificant if trees need to question their lovers to know where they stand if branches waver at the crossroads unsure of which way to grow if the leaves understand they’re replaceable and still dance when the wind blows I wonder where the Moon goes when she is in hiding I want to find her there and watch the ocean spin from a distance listen to her stir in her sleep effort give way to existence

Zeyah Rogé

I was a freshman in high school when I took my first meditation class and was blown away by the power of it. It wasn't the practice itself, rather, it was how I moved through the world and interacted with my family later that night that impacted me so greatly. I realized that meditation, yoga, and other mindful movement modalities, can create actual positive shifts and this influenced my work in the years to come as a social justice activist, massage therapist, and most recently in my work as a somatic psychotherapist. I started teaching hatha yoga professionally in 2009, which continues to feed my passion for learning, especially when it comes to the dynamism of the body and mind, relationships, and the healing arts. What gets me most excited about the practice is that it offers opportunities for deep experiential learning, often uncovering and clarifying wisdom that already exists within. As we move through the shapes of asana and cultivate our "somatic architecture" we bring mindfulness to how we physically organize, unwind, and reorganize. In this process we come to understand how our physicality gives rise to and is affected by our mental and emotional states. Habitual patterns surface and opportunities for learning and healing present themselves. The beauty of group yoga classes is that this intimate work gets to happen in the holding of a community. The practice can expand from intra-personal to inter-personal and healing around themes of belonging become possible.I enjoy teaching various styles of yoga, I am an anatomy geek and love getting into the details of alignment, I think props are the coolest... but most of all I love connecting with my students and supporting their curiosity, wisdom, and empowerment.