Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, My go-to camping sequence!
This practice is a variation of one that I do when camping. Unlike many studio classes, it starts standing with a full body warm up. From there it moves through a couple variations of sun salutations and eventually winds down to floor work. (4.7.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea, 1hr, Sunny day full body flow
This class playfully moves through the body in a variety of ways. No peak pose or anatomical emphasis today, just a joyful, full body wiggle. (3.22.23)
Yoga 1 w/ Monicka, 1hr, Core Renewal and Resiliency
In this class we will explore how the breath supports lightness, agility, and deep strength through a series of movements which develop strength and stability in the "core" AKA glutes, pelvic floor, abdominal wall, etc. (3.22.23)
Yoga 2 w/Kat, 1hr, Mindful Backbending in the Upper Spine
Practice finding extension (aka "back bend") in the upper reaches of your spine. Engage deep supportive muscle chains and move mindfully with your head, neck, and shoulders towards an expansive expression of Urdhva Mukha Svasasana. (3.17.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea, 1hr, Mid-week energy boost!
This class is a strong and fluid class that uses repetition to build some heat in the body while moving through some shoulder stretches and backbends. (4.5.23)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr, Tension Release for Energy Flow
This slow class supports you to unwind tension through somatic movement, yoga asana (postural yoga), and pranayama (energy alignment through breath).(4.4.23)