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Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Connect and Re-align to Purpose through Accessible Balance (11.17.24)
In this practice, we work with the yogic concept dharana, concentration, to focus our energy towards the unique and changing purpose we play in the interconnected web of the world. This full body practice begins with pranayama and ends in meditation
Prenatal w/ Qian, 1hr, Pelvic Mobility for Pregnancy (11.16.24)
Pelvic circles, lunges, and standing self-massage. This class is third trimester appropriate.
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Illuminating and Transforming Habits ("Samskaras")(11.16.24)
In this class we will embrace embodied curiosity to notice and transform habits. Bring in play and wiggle room to find pathways through otherwise stuck places. A strong physical practice with explorations of revolved warrior 3.
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Habits and New Pathways: Hips and Shoulders (11.15.24)
In this class we explore our ingrained patterns and embrace embodied curiosity to explore new pathways. Lots of great gentle hip and shoulder conditioning.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Release Tension, Move Stuck Energy (11.3.24)
This neck and spine focused practice helps to release tension not only in the physical body but the other layers of body as well - mental, energetic, emotional, etc. You can take many of these practices, like shushumna pranayama into your life.