Yoga 2/3 w/ Danielle, 90 min. Patience practice w/ Half Lotus (Ardha Padmasana)
Engaging in self massage, plenty of warm ups and preparation, you'll build skill and awareness to release into half lotus pose. This class is for the discerning practitioner that moves into space with curiosity rather than forcing an ideal. (8.21.22)
Yoga 2/3 w/ Danielle, 90 min. Play with Firefly (Tittibhasana)
Engage in an evenly paced class, building up to firefly pose (tittibhasana) with several variation options. End with 15 minutes of expansive rest. (8.28.22)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Danielle, 1hr. Balance Play
Setting an intention around balance in your life, we'll begin with a Nadi Shodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) practice, and shift into an asana practice building balance, including foot massage work. Embrace the wobbles friends (5.5.22)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Danielle, 1hr. Fractals and Devotion - breathe, balance, tend to the small
Inspired by adrienne maree brown, Danielle connects fractal patterns, demonstrating the connections between the smallest and largest scale, to the small and large acts of devotion in the Bhakti tradition on the pathway to liberation. (3.30.22)
Yoga 2 w/ Danielle, 1hr. Release and find balance in this heat-building class
Starting with a sama vritti (even breath) pranayama practice to create a base of balance you'll build physical skills, with supportive options, heading towards eka (one) hasta (hand) bhujasana (arm). (3.3.22)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Danielle, 75min. Last full moon of Winter
The last class in a series honoring the last full moon cycle of winter. Engage in journal prompts and a chandra (moon) namaskar (salutation) practice. (2.16.220