Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Connect and Re-align to Purpose through Accessible Balance (11.17.24)
In this practice, we work with the yogic concept dharana, concentration, to focus our energy towards the unique and changing purpose we play in the interconnected web of the world. This full body practice begins with pranayama and ends in meditation
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Release Tension, Move Stuck Energy (11.3.24)
This neck and spine focused practice helps to release tension not only in the physical body but the other layers of body as well - mental, energetic, emotional, etc. You can take many of these practices, like shushumna pranayama into your life.
Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, Whole Body Practice for Receptivity (10.14.24)
Build strength and openness guided by hri: humility and receptivity. We'll strengthen our cores and arms, play with blocks, and ultimately land in versions of side plank. Physical practice as a pathway to embodying our values off the mat.
Yoga 1 w/ Tara, 75min, Move and Direct Energy for Yourself and the Collective (8.4.24)
This class is inspired by the apple tree and engages the full body with an emphasis on opening through the side body. A wonderful practice for moving energy and feeling connection.
Yoga Nidra w/ Tara, 75 min, 61 Points & Hiranya Garbha (7.29.24)
Start with gentle movement and pranayama to move energy, then a restorative posture, and end with about 45 minutes of yoga nidra - a supported, guided practice into deep rest and dreamless sleep.
Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, L Handstand at the Wall! (7.29.24)
A fun class to build heat, move energy, and express yourself. We'll explore embodiment of ahimsa, the yogic concept of nonharming.