Functional Strength w/ Britt, 1hr, Slow Paced Hip Mobility and Strength
Slow and focused movement for hip range of motion and strength (7.7.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Britt, 1hr, Support for Sirsasana (headstand)
Use the wall in creative and supportive ways. Practice a supported version of Sirsasana (headstand) and end with Prānāyāma. (7.3.23)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Britt, 1hr, Soften your hips to free your pelvis
Soften your hip flexors and allow your sacrum to feel spacious in twists and gomukasana. (6.20.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Britt, 1hr, Fluid Creative Flow
In this class we roll around on the floor and channel our inner dancer. Britt guides you through creative movement and invites you to be fluid and playful. (6.16.23)
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Relaxing, whole-body tending
Bring awareness and tend to your 6 end-points: feet, hands, tail, and top of head. The rest of your body will melt into relaxation. (6.9.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Monicka, 1hr, Handstand Prep
Work toward handstand prep by exploring active shoulder range-of-motion, hip flexion, and core strength and stability. We will lean into some functional strength movements for the warm-up, and finish with a deep twist to release into rest. (6.6.23)