Yoga 2 w/Linnea, 1hr. A casual exploration of the back body
5.0 average rating (1 review)A good class for days when your feet, calves and hamstrings are sore or feeling tight. Stretching intermingled with a slow and steady flow with a dash of calf smooshing and some shoulder and chest opening. (1/19/22)
Functional Strength w/ Sahar, 1hr. Engage the powerhouse to start your day
Powerhouse-strengthening Pilates-inspired practice to help engage our abdominal muscles, legs and glutes.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr. A COVID Recovery + Relief class
This is a class for anyone who has had COVID or is experiencing COVID fear, anxiety, and/or grief. We focus on creating space for breath by feeling into the 360 degree space of the torso. (1.9.22)
Yoga 2/3 w/Rach, 1hr. Intermediate flow with twists and chest opening
This flow-style class focuses on spinal twists, fluid movement and chest opening. (1/5/21)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Monicka, 1hr. Finding Center Through Movement
Use somatic movement practices to cultivate deeper support for yoga postures. Explore Virabhadrasana III/Warrior III through locating the midline as a starting point from where many movements and shapes arise. (1/5/2021)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Britt, 1hr. Shoulder and Upper Back Love
An hour of gentle movement with a focus on the upper back and shoulders (1/4/2022)