Yoga 1 w/ Tara, 75min, CENTER
Explore physical balance, get present to your own embodied experience, and find your center. This slow and strengthening class brings special attention to the feet and hips as a portal to feel the aliveness of your whole body. (5.28.23)
Yoga 2 w/Kat, 75min, Lateral Body Flow
Go spelunking in your side bodies in this 75 minute Align & Flow class that alternates between strength-based exertion and loungy exploration. You might just leave your mat feeling longer. (5.24.23)
Restore and Release w/ Zeyah, 75min, Unwind, let go, and breathe
Go from legs up the wall, to gentle hip and shoulder openers, to deep rest in supportive postures. Throughout the practice you are guided to take gentle yet deep breaths, which will generate spaciousness and deep relaxation. (5.17.23)
Accessible Yoga w/Kat, 75min, Slow and Steady Springtime Yoga
Feel your connection to breath and ground in this accessible yoga class - explore supported twists, forward folds, hip and shoulder mobility from the chair, from your feet, and from the floor. Plenty of options, lots of spaciousness. (5.4.23)
Restore and Release w/ Sahar, 75min, Lengthen and Release
Enjoy slow gentle movements, lengthening the side body and limbs, and longer Yin holds to open the hips for a full body release. (5.3.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, NOURISH
NOURISH 5.1.23