Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Cultivating Relaxed Attention
This class focuses on finding length in our spine without the over-efforting of hoisting ourselves up. Creative use of yoga blocks unlocks length, balance, and steadiness. (6.2.23)
Yoga 2/3 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Align Your Spine
Use massage, stretching, and strengthening for a happy and aligned spine. This picks up and offers some nice flowing movement as well. Enjoy! (5.27.23)
Restore and Release w/ Zeyah, 75min, Unwind, let go, and breathe
Go from legs up the wall, to gentle hip and shoulder openers, to deep rest in supportive postures. Throughout the practice you are guided to take gentle yet deep breaths, which will generate spaciousness and deep relaxation. (5.17.23)
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Off the couch and into the garden!
It's spring, which means for many of us we are getting outside, becoming more active, and getting into our gardens. This class offers practices and insights into how to make this transition as smooth as possible for happy hips and low back. (5.5.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Hip Love: Flow and Strengthen
The request was finding relief for the hips so that's exactly what we did! Start by settling and softening, pick up the pace with strengthening, and end with mobility. (4.26.23)
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Finding Contentment through Hips and Twists
Find flow as you explore revolved triangle pose. Reflect on the role of Santosha - the yogic principle of contentment - and how it can be part of generating more creativity and fluidity in otherwise stuck feeling places. (4.22.23)