Yoga 1/2 w/ Kate, 1hr, Support for Grounding, Cooling (7.10.24)
Offered in a PNW heatwave, most of class invites you to be on your back, stomach, and knees with a short sun salutation and standing balance pose. Cues for class encourage agency and inward curiosity for what someone might need in the moment.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Working with Change (6.30.24)
A hip-focused practice for low back relief and working with change.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Kate, 1hr, Interoception and Proprioception Exploration with Warrior II (6.12.24)
Gentle class offers options for keeping attention close in and for choosing how to move in the moment that supports what you might need. Includes guided meditation, floor stretching and restorative shapes, Virabhadrasana 2-focused standing sequence.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Cultivate Presence (6.9.24)
We'll begin with a reclined mindfulness practice that then gets infused into our movement practice - cultivated relaxed attention even in more challenging postures. Our physical practice prepares us for a seated meditation at the close of class.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Kate, 1hr, Gentle Movement with Lots of Options (6.5.24)
Starting with a guided meditation and gentle floor stretching, participants encouraged to choose variations that resonate for them. Practice connecting with breath in a steady way through Virabhadrasana II, Warrior 2. End with integrative rest.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Kate, 1hr, Tailored Support for Your Day (5.29.24)
This class provides many different options. Focus is on support for grief, overwhelm. Want to stay on your back with legs up a chair? Or want a more vigorous practice? The "yoga" is turning inward to ask and invite and change your mind as you go.