Yoga 2/3: Flow class to cultivate a deeper connection with your breath and explore hip openers through fun, creative transitions.
5.0 average rating (1 review)$3
Yoga Foundations 1: Decompress your upper back, improve shoulder mobility and learn to cultivate healthy twists
Yoga 2: Explore your side body in this playful, strengthening class. Work towards finding space and support and experiment with different variations of side plank.
Harmony Level 2: Explore the boundaries and expressions of your heart by opening and strengthening your chest and upper back.
Yoga 2: Strong, mobile hips and a supple, liquid spine revolving around a stable center, toward the strong, supported arm balance Eka Pada Galavasana
Yoga 2/3: A whole-body melange to get the blood moving and the stiff bits sliding, including come core work and hip stability play.
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)$3