Yoga 2/3 w/ Sahar, 1hr. Root and lengthen
This active practice with place emphasis on grounding standing poses and the lengthening of the body through side body stretches and arm extensions. (4.28.22)
Yoga 1 w/ Tara, 1hr. CHOICE
Here's a whole body class for tending to your nervous system and connecting with your sense of agency, and collective power. (5.3.22)
Functional Strength w/ Britt, 1hr. Trunk Stability & Limb Mobility
In this class we explore what it feels like to stabilize our trunk. Our relationship to our "core" is complex. Using a mix of fine-tune & full body movements we try to sense and feel the different ways that our core supports us. (4.29.22)
Restore & Release w/ Sahar, 75min. Grounding restful practice
We will keep things really close to the ground in this slow practice of yin and restorative yoga. Expect longer holds using lots of props to find a deep release in body. Perfect for before bed or to unwind from a long day. (4.27.22)
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea 1hr. Shoulder and chest focused flow
A good mid-day, mid-week wiggle on the mat that includes both stretching and strengthening for the chest and shoulders. Good for when the shoulders are up for a challenge but have been hunched and still all day. (4.27.22)
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea 1hr. A nice little wiggle on yer mat
A general full body class with a bit of movement for the whole body. Good when you want a mellow stretchy start, a little heat and strength in the middle, and a mellow stretchy ending. (4.20.22)