Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, Beginner-Friendly Well-rounded Practice (6.21.24)
This beginner friendly active class will support strength, flexibility, and balance. Enjoy a long rest at the end to integrate.
Yoga 2 w/ Linnea, 1hr, 360° Hip Investigation (6.19.24)
This class starts slowly-roly-poly on the back with attention to the glutes and front of the hips. Then we stand up and do a nice steady flow that tends to the inner and outer hips.
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Laying the Foundation for Headstand / Sirasasana, Pt 3 (6.15.24)
Build full-body awareness, balance, strength and flexibility. Approach going upside down on forearms and hands rather than the head - keeping pressure off the neck and head for now. Develop your confidence to approach headstand the next two classes!
Yoga 1/2 w/ Kate, 1hr, Interoception and Proprioception Exploration with Warrior II (6.12.24)
Gentle class offers options for keeping attention close in and for choosing how to move in the moment that supports what you might need. Includes guided meditation, floor stretching and restorative shapes, Virabhadrasana 2-focused standing sequence.
Restore and Release w/ Tara, 75min, Pause + Return to Yourself (6.10.24)
We begin with a neck release, followed by some gentle unwinding movements, and then three restorative postures supported by props. We end with guidance into yoga nidra for chronic pain and stress.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Cultivate Presence (6.9.24)
We'll begin with a reclined mindfulness practice that then gets infused into our movement practice - cultivated relaxed attention even in more challenging postures. Our physical practice prepares us for a seated meditation at the close of class.