Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr. Hip stability and opening, part 2
Feel into your whole body expansion, connected through your pelvis. (2.3.22)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 1hr. Hip opening and stability
A heat-building, leg-strengthening, and psoas-releasing class. Note: the internet dropped at the end of class so you can use the pause after figure-4 stretch to choose your own adventure of movement or stillness until Tara's back and guides savasana.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Rach, 75min. Gentle flowing movement for the evening
With the help of any available props (yoga blocks, bolster, blanket), we'll have a gentle practice that eases you into your evening routine and allows you to unwind from the day. (2/22/22)
Yoga 1/2 w/ Britt, 1hr. Soothing movement for your neck and shoulders
Feeling overwhelmed and anxious? Come support your body with gentle movement focused on neck and shoulders. This class moves slow and allows you time to sense your breath and body. 2.27.22
Yoga 1/2 w/ Danielle, 75min. Last full moon of Winter
The last class in a series honoring the last full moon cycle of winter. Engage in journal prompts and a chandra (moon) namaskar (salutation) practice. (2.16.220
Yoga 1/2 w/ Rach, 1hr., Energizing Morning Flow
A great flow to wake up with. Long, slow holds and generous stretching to wake you up and feel ready for the day. 2.8.22