Yoga 2 w/ Linnea, 1hr, Stir up the Shoulders, Open up the Chest! (7.3.24)
This class focuses mainly on the upper body. It twists in and out of shoulder mobility, upper back strength and front-chest stretching. Great for when things feel a little stagnant and sticky around the heart.
Yoga 2 w/ Tara, 75min, Balance Efforting and Surrender (7.1.24)
A full body practice with lots of rotation, leg and arm work to embody the balance of tapas - discipline or efforting and isvara pranidhana - surrender.
Yoga 1/2 w/ Tara, 75min, Working with Change (6.30.24)
A hip-focused practice for low back relief and working with change.
Yoga 2 w/ Zeyah, 75min, Laying the Foundation for Headstand / Sirasasana, Pt 5 (6.29.24)
Flow through a practice that touches on all the skills we've honed and culminate in a headstand practice. During the headstanding portion of class, you're invited to do other skill building practices if going upside down doesn't feel right.
Strength 1 w/ Qian, 1hr, Upper Back and Shoulders (6.29.24)
Upper back and shoulder mobility and strength using resistance band. Glutes with core ball. Foam rolling for the legs and knee injury prevention.
Yoga 1 w/ Zeyah, 1hr, A Gentle Somatic Exploration of the Pelvis (6.28.24)
This class moves slowly with breath and guided awareness into the pelvic region. Gentle movements allow this landscape to come to life. Gently release tensions and allow yourself to reset from the root of your being.